The Joys of Living With a Purpose

When one thinks of living life with a purpose, it may seem as though it is only about working towards that purpose, and that you cannot be happy or joyful in your pursuit. It might even make you feel anxious or pressured about achieving your purpose—leaving a sense of failure if you feel as though you have fallen short. This is actually quite far from the case—it is actually in finding and achieving our purpose that we can find joy in what we do, both ordinary and extraordinary.

Joy through purpose

In fulfilling your purpose, in prayer, in planning and actually executing actions towards fulfilling your purpose, you are becoming your most authentic self, and in that, one is filled with a deep sense of joy—not a fleeting kind of joy that is shallow and can leave in instant; rather, it is a deep joy that, come hell or high water, leaves you with a sense of peace that comforts you with the fact that, despite everything, you are going in the right direction.

How does this work? Well, despite the uphill battles, your being able to strategize and take charge of your purpose helps you become more confident, more in tune with what you want, what God wants, and what your potential is. God’s deepest desire is for you to become the best that you can be, and that can happen in your pursuing your purpose. When you realize what you want to do and what you need to do, it fills your life with meaning, and with this meaning comes the knowledge that what you are doing is for something that is not just for you, but for something that goes way beyond oneself—for the entire community or society, for the entire earth. That it is not just our work but us participating in God’s work as well.

You are not striving alone in your purpose—many others are also moving towards their purpose alongside you as well, going towards what God wants, and what fulfills them as well. God, too, works with you and everyone else who wishes to work with Him, striving towards the good that we as people share.

Knowing this may feel like additional pressure, but at the same time, it also gives us the knowledge that we are not alone, and that there is something bigger than us at work—and again, this helps us be joyful, rather than anxious, about our purpose. This is the kind of joy that truly matters, and truly makes people happy despite what life throws at them—a sense of peace that fills life with meaning. This joy can happen in the everyday, ordinary moments, or even in the extraordinary milestones of life; either way, knowing your purpose need not be additional pressure or stress, in fact, it ought to liberate you and help you develop into the best version of you that you can be.


About The Author:

Innovator, Trendsetter, Author and entrepreneur… These are few words to describe Carl Mathis. While some may know him as a minister and a teacher, others have become fond of him through his written work, “Pursuing Your Purpose.” For speaking engagements or to find out more about Carl Mathis, visit or email


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