Pursuing Your Purpose

Why is it important to figure out your purpose? Many people often go through life aimlessly—as long as they have the basic necessities they do not aspire for more. An equal, or even more, number of people are on the other end—trying to find meaning in their life and figure out what they can and should do in the short and limited time they have on this earth.

A Christian’s view on finding your purpose

From a Christian standpoint, it is very important to find one’s purpose, and realize it in line with God’s purpose for us. This is important because this is how one can best serve God and at the same time make the world a better place. Christians believe that God simply wants what is best for us, and so understanding that purpose, taking it to heart, and fulfilling it will help in not just making us as individuals happy, but also make this world a better place.

It is not easy to find, let alone pursue, one’s purpose. Knowing it and actually doing it are both equally difficult. However, it can be very spiritually rewarding and nourishing when you begin journeying your path. You begin to grow in many aspects, particularly in your character and wisdom. You become full of grace, and mature spiritually, aside from physically.

This, of course, does not happen overnight. Finding one’s purpose takes time and you may experience detours and stumbling blocks along the way. Things can sometimes be unclear, and of course, there are many things that God could possibly be asking of you. A good question to ask then, is not just what is God asking of you for the long term, but also what is God asking from you at the moment. Perhaps you were detoured and were asked to do something seemingly out of left field. What may seem to be odd may actually be opportunities for grace and love.

Know as well that there is something greater at work in your life, and that nursing this relationship with God will allow you to be more attuned to what is happening and where you are being called. Christians believe that this world was not made by a random God, but rather by a gracious loving God for all of creation, and so we can see this God reflected therein and get to know him more through this world.

Finding your purpose in life brings a sense of meaning as well: you do things not simply because you want to, but because ultimately, you are working for something bigger, sometimes even bigger than yourself, your ambitions, and your goals. It keeps you waking up and going each morning, and when the going gets tough, a gentle reminder is sometimes all it takes to remind you of why you are doing something, despite its difficulty and stress. At the end of the day, it is all worth it.

  His motivational speeches move mountains. He doesn’t make excuses for his struggles—he uses them as stepping stones to get to higher levels in his God-ordained destiny. Carl Mathis doesn’t know what it means to give up. Overcoming the obstacles of losing a spouse, having to raise three successful boys on his own and manage to write several books, he never managed to find the time to make excuses. Through his triumph over personal troubles, he strives to not only inspire and uplift, but to encourage people worldwide to find their purpose and begin walking in it. For booking info or to find out more about Carl Mathis, visit www.carlmathisbooks.com or email carlmathis4u@gmail.com                      

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