How to Make Winning Choices in the New Year

How to Make Winning Choices in the New Year

It’s almost the second month of the year and we have set our New Year resolutions.  But,  how do you feel about them now? The key to making this year successful, when you look back 12 months from now, is making daily progress through daily habits.
Most New year resolutions or goals are set with change in mind…
•       I want to get a new job
•       I will start waking up early
•       I will lose weight
•       I’m going to workout everyday
•       I’m going to write a book
These of course are great goals. However, if you want to them to be achieved, then you’ll want to pay close attention to this success system that I learned over the years.

Anything built on a solid foundation can withstand setback and frustrations. So, let’s start the year with a solid system that when used immediately will build upon all year long to achieve great success by the end of 2018!

If you’re anything like me you believe in the power of words. Speaking positive words frequently is an integral part of creating successful daily habits.

Say this now:

“I am so happy and grateful that I immediately take action with my daily success habits to create a successful 2018!

Excited? Let’s jump right in. Here’s my three secrets to achieve success through reaching your goals this year.

1. Success begins with a clear vision. Write in your Think Like a Winner, Act Like You Won book (the journal pages), what you are here to create. Write a vision that compels you to take action. Something that gets you excited about life, your career or your business. Keep in mind your goals and write a vision that encompasses each of them. Focus on the end result of how it will make you feel to accomplish them and the impact your success will have on the rest of your life.

This kind of vision will pull you forward even when you feel like giving up. It will keep you excited about making daily progress in your business and life.

2. Stay focused on your reasons for achieving success. As we go through the year things may come up to distract and discourage you along the way. You can stay the course with enthusiasm and focus when you have strong enough reasons for what you are attempting to accomplish. Your reasons to achieve are deep-rooted desire that will keep you moving towards reaching your goals.

What you will find is, that once you have written your reasons why you want to accomplish a goal and set your standards of living then the answers start to show up.

Take a few minutes to go through your goals list, pick the top three you want to focus on now and write out the reason why this goals is important to you and why you want to accomplish it.
The more you connect deeply with your goals, the more realistic they will become to you.

3. Raise your standards. Truthfully, it’s easy to make a goals list, vision board and say positive statements. But when you’re tired of carrying unfulfilled goals and dreams over  year to year with no results, you’ll need to make a significant shift on how you see yourself. Raising your standards is you creating new visions for yourself and being determined to rise up to that standard and stay there.

To raise your standards, you have to eliminate all excuses and bad habits. Set a bar that is higher and then work at achieving it.
Setting a new standard means determining, declaring and decreeing a certain goal is a must-have or must-do in your life.
We all have daily habits and routines that we do unconsciously. They are either moving you closer to your goal or keeping you stranded in a state of mediocrity.

New standards often require new mindsets and habits. Write out what new habits you will put into your life in order to reach your new standards. For example, waking up at 5:00 A.M. to write three chapters in your book.

Now it’s time to take immediate action.

The key to feeling good about your life, career and business this year is knowing that you’re making constant progress. If you implement these three strategies into your life right now, I know for sure that you will be well on your way to your best year ever.





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