Discover Your Purpose by Breaking Out of Your Routine
Often times we’re creatures of habit. It’s the very habit and routine that you’ve set up for yourself that may be preventing you from discovering your purpose. Passion and purpose both thrive in a creatively stimulating environment. Without changing your routine, doing something new and meeting new people you can become stagnant and your creativity becomes blocked. Spending time around other people who are making things happen is inspiring. It’s almost impossible to be fruitful by yourself.
We tend to sink into our own little worlds, keeping to the people we know, places we like and ideas we’re comfortable with hearing. However, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been. People become creatures of habit subconsciously. We get up, we go to work, we come home, we shop at the same grocery store, and we drive on the same street. Get out of the box and see what else is out there that would motivate you and stimulate you. Stop hanging with the same people. Get in another circle and risk feeling uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone. Get in a room full of people where you don’t know what is proper to say. If you always walk with people who look like you and dress like you and think like you and vote like you, you’re going to die of monotony. Humans thrive on variety, and that’s when different things come together to be fruitful.
We need other people to stimulate creativity, and oftentimes to uncover our talent, passion and purpose. It helps us to stay positive and keep moving forward and toward our dreams and goals. Equally important, this helps us to tap into the vitality and imagination of others in order to tap into our own.
However, when it comes to taking the leap toward our purpose we can’t allow people to dissuade us. Sometimes people closest to us or those that we admire don’t see in us what God see’s in us. They may not see the big vision or the outcome. When the choice to follow our purpose goes against the advice of others it can bring about feelings of discouragement and negativity, but stay the course. People who feel like they need a certain level of support before they launch will never launch. You have to find the faith within yourself to believe in your dream and invest in your dream. The time of trial will end if you remain consistent and faithful to the still small voice that guides us to our purpose.
His motivational speeches move mountains. He doesn’t make excuses for his struggles—he uses them as stepping stones to get to higher levels in his God-ordained destiny. Carl Mathis doesn’t know what it means to give up. Overcoming the obstacles of losing a spouse, having to raise three successful boys on his own and manage to write several books, he never managed to find the time to make excuses. Through his triumph over personal troubles, he strives to not only inspire and uplift, but to encourage people worldwide to find their purpose and begin walking in it. For booking info or to find out more about Carl Mathis, visit or email